Saturday, June 13, 2009

Digital Nation

No, I'm not posting on the switch from analog to digital TV. One of the many places I regularly watch for news and helpful info about brain development is MediaWise. There is a recent post on being a Digital Nation that is helpful.

Frontline is doing a series by that name as well. Check back to see what they say.

Here is an exerpt from the MediaWise blog linked above:
At the National Institute on Media and the Family we believe that who we are is wired into our brains a great deal from our experiences. The parent’s job has never been more important. From birth our children are wiring in the people they will become. The digital world is intrinsically powerful and enticing - our brains are hard wired to seek novelty, stimulation and to learn. It’s what’s kept us going as a species for thousands of years. We can control our environment in the digital world, the real world is harder to control. In this era of “disruptive technology” - an era where technology profoundly changes everything, we must learn, and teach our children, to live in both worlds. Core human values, core character traits and how to balance the digital and real world have to be learned.

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