Thursday, June 25, 2009

Are they so different?

Back to Digital Kids...

Ian Jukes and Anita Dosaj wrote an article back in 2006 called Understanding Digital Kids (DK). (They have had much more to say since then.) It is a long article, and challenging, in the implications on how we do education.

Much of what I read in current brain research says that our brains wire based on what we experience. That seems to be how God made us. Jukes says that little concept has huge implications. He maintains kids ARE different because their experiences are so different than ours. And if they are different then we may (he would say "do") have to change how we do things in school and home to get through to them. Jukes has great links on his site to presentation notes on Understanding Digital Kids and many others.

Lots to wade through. Much to think about. More posts over time.

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