Saturday, April 17, 2010


Do you have time to learn some important information about how fructose (part of natural sugar and also High Fructose Corn Syrup) messes with our bodies and brains?

Sugar: The Bitter Truth by Dr Lustig. Well worth the 90 minutes of time. The movie is a bit technical but very informative. Fructose is handled in our body just like alcohol. Calorie for Calorie. Imagine ingesting as much alcohol as we do fructose. Yikes! (get a pdf of an article by Dr Lustig that helps explain the biochemistry.)

Unlike alcohol, fructose does not give you a "buzz". But everything else is just like alcohol, and just as dangerous to our health, and the health of our kids. In relation to the brain, it blocks the signal that says "I'm full" so you keep eating, in spite of all the evidence (extra weight on our bodies) to the contrary.

Many people in the medical community are calling it an obesity 'epidemic'. That description calls for a change. And it is a matter of stewardship too, caring for the bodies we have so we'll be able to give God our best.

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