Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Teenage Brain

So much new information on how we grow and learn and develop - and most of it is centered on new findings about the brain.

Check out the book "Secrets of the Teenage Brain..." by Sheryl Feinstein. Very important stuff for parents and teachers.

"... did you know that:
1. the brain, not hormones, is to blame for the inexplicable behavior of the teenage years;
2. short term memory increases by about 30% during the adolescent years;
3. the activities teens invest their time and energy in influence what activities they'll invest in as adults;
4. teens are ruled far more by their emotions than by logic."

Connect #3 above with the dramatic increase in screen time and the fact that the brain wires based on experience and things get interesting.

Critical for parents to be intentional about their parenting - and in order to be intentional, parents need to be informed.

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